Avengers: Infinity War
Title: Avengers: Infinity War
Released: 2018
Rating: 9 /10
The film everything has all been building up to. The film all Marvel fans have been anticipating. And it's finally here: Infinity War part 1!
Released: 2018
Rating: 9 /10
The film everything has all been building up to. The film all Marvel fans have been anticipating. And it's finally here: Infinity War part 1!
Brilliant. I was actually almost speechless at the end (obviously the very end, as we all know you have to wait about 5 minutes to see the end credits scene!) Now, I know my review of this is most likely biased, because I knew I was going to enjoy the film before it even came out. (Marvel fan "till the end of the line!") However, I did take friends who are not as invested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as I or, I assume, many other viewers in the cinema. Some had seen a few other films, whereas some went in blind. It is evident that those who had seen more Marvel films previously did enjoy it more, but overall everyone liked it and looks forward to the next part.
Basically the biggest baddie of all time, Thanos (Josh Brolin), wants to collect all six of the precious Infinity Stones to put on his Infinity Gauntlet. He will then have ultimate power over the universe and be able to fulfill his psychotic philosophy.
Very exciting, lots of action and along with the expected comedy, actually quite emotional.
There's no point recommending this to Marvel fans, because they should have already been all over this. But I do recommend this to any other film fan (who doesn't strongly dislike superheroes) because it had all a viewer wants: an interesting intimidating villain with a back story, strong male and female leads, action, humour and emotion. Plus an exciting end that left you begging for more!
Basically the biggest baddie of all time, Thanos (Josh Brolin), wants to collect all six of the precious Infinity Stones to put on his Infinity Gauntlet. He will then have ultimate power over the universe and be able to fulfill his psychotic philosophy.
Very exciting, lots of action and along with the expected comedy, actually quite emotional.
There's no point recommending this to Marvel fans, because they should have already been all over this. But I do recommend this to any other film fan (who doesn't strongly dislike superheroes) because it had all a viewer wants: an interesting intimidating villain with a back story, strong male and female leads, action, humour and emotion. Plus an exciting end that left you begging for more!
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